There are so many questions asked is the Taj Mahal lit at night? Or why Taj Mahal has no lights?

Why the Taj mahal has no Lights?
Simple answers to these questions are just for security reasons and to save the Taj Mahal white marble from the light effect there are no lighting provisions on the edifice of the Taj. Barring a few low-level posts which were installed for security purposes, so far there is not a major lighting system.
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The Taj Mahal lit at night -when ?
you can recall an occurrence that happened almost two decades back when the Greek performer Yanni gave his concert in the backdrop of the Taj Mahal and for this, he did meticulous planning. It was during this time when Taj Mahal was lit at night. In 1997 this spectacular concert was staged by this western artist and then only the Taj Mahal was illuminated with artificial lights during the night.
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“Yanni” with a team of more than 300 performers accomplished this fame. For this tour,, big towers were built for housing the lighting equipment and it had the seating capacity of more than 7000 spectators.
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